Integra 16mm entrance grid

Integra 16mm entrance grid and matting system is heel proof entrance mat combines performance and elegance together with its unique interlocking tiles and high performance carpet inserts.

Integra 16mm entrance mat is suitable for most demanding applications such as shopping centres, airports, subway stations and hotels.

Integra tiles have open grid yet heel proof construction. Distinctive of Integra entrance tile is the combination of lamellas and carpet inserts creating alternating zones for scraping, cleaning and absorbing. Lamellas form the scraping and cleaning part of the tile and carpet inserts absorbing part of the tile.

Lamellas of Integra entrance grid tile removes grit and strong hard fibres of carpet insert remove dust and fine fibres absorb moisture. The steady rhythm of lamellas and plain carpet areas yields a unique design effect of Integra entrance grid.

Integra 16mm entrance grid heel proof interlocking tile is fully compatible with the Combo 16mm entrance grid plain tile.


Material UV-resistant vinyl/NBR 100% recycled material
Tile size 40 x 14 cm
Packaging 16 mm
Height 16 mm
Weight 11 kg/m²
Tile colour Black, dark grey
Insert pile material 100 % polyamide
Insert colours Black, grey and red
Temperature resistance -20ºC - +70ºC
Rolling load KfB dynamic test: 300 kg per wheel
Slip resistance DIN 51130: R11
Fire classification EN 13501: Bfl - s1
Emissions ISO 16000-9: TVOC class A+


Alu edging 16/20 mm x 300 cm

Anchors 16 mm

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